Welcome to my
::Deliverance at Hand District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses::
This site is in no way associated with the Watchtower Bible & Track Society. If you wish to go their official site click_here
As many know we Jehovah's Witnesses hold several conventions throughout the world. This one was held July 14th,15th,&16th at the Leonard E. Merrell Center in Katy, Texas. Somewhat smaller than previous venues.
The recordings you will find on this page were made by me. They are un-edited. I have however converted them to Windows Media Audio format. To listen to them you will need a player compatible with that format. If you are using "Microsoft Windows" you most likely will have no problem.
Because of various reasons some of the talks have static but are still understandable. Most of the talks though are very clear. If you have experience in audio editing and can clean up some of the files email the admin of this site.
Day One
- Be Attentive to Jehovah's Promises of Deliverance
- Pratice "the Things That You Learned"
- How Jehovah Delivers "the Poor One Crying for Help"
- Behold "the Abounding Wealth of the Seas"
- Keynote Address: Jehovah's Provisions for Our "Everlasting Deliverance"
- Cherish Your Place in the Congregation
- Jehovah Tenderly Cares for Older Ones
- Deliverance From Painful Distress
- The Role of Angels in Rendering "Public Service"
- Symposium: Jehovah -- "Provider of Escape"
During Pre-Christian Times
During the First Century
In Modern Times
In the Future - No Opposing Weapon or Tongue Will Succeed
Day Two
- Fortified Against Satan by Considering the Daily Text
- Symposium: Continue in the Ministry
"Without Letup"
"Deliver Those...Staggering to the Slaughter"
Pay Attention to Your "Art of Teaching"
"Rightly Disposed" Ones Are Responding - 'Delivered From the Trap of the Birdcatcher'
- Searching Into "the Deep Things of God"
- Dedication and Baptism Lead to Salvation
- Keep a Scriptural View of Health Care
- What Spirit Dominates Your Life?
- Foresee the Calamity, and Conceal Yourself
- Manifest Christian Dignity at All Times
- Maintain "a Threefold Cord" in Marriage
- Young People, "Remember, Now, Your Grand Creator"
- Are You Living With Jehovah's Day in Mind?
Day Three
- Examining the Scriptures Daily Renews Our Sense of Urgency (part A)
- Examining the Scriptures Daily Renews Our Sense of Urgency (part B)
- Illustrations Enhance Our Understanding of Kingdom Truths
- Symposium: "The Kingdom of the Heavens Is Like..."
"A Man That Sowed Fine Seed in His Field"
"A Treasure Hidden in the Field"
"A Dragnet Let Down Into the Sea"
'A King That Made a Marriage Feast for His Son' - Accept Jehovah's Authority -- Reject an Independent Spirit
- DRAMA: To Whose Authority Do You Submit?
- Public Discourse: Deliverance by God's Kingdom Is at Hand!
- "Keep in Expectation" as Jehovah's Day Nears!